Sunday, March 14, 2010

When can you tell it's time to buy new basketball shoes if the tread has not worn out?


When can you tell it's time to buy new basketball shoes if the tread has not worn out?
when you start asking people if your shoes are worn out ;)
Reply:If the tread is not worn out, you can tell its time to buy new basketball shoes if you can see your toes sticking out the end, and your feet are in the shoe...
Reply:Here are some signs of your shoes being worn down:

If your feet roll to the inside or the outside when you run then your shoe will mold to that shape and will lose its ability to work correctly

If the mid-sole (area between the sole and leathery parts) starts to show signs of being compressed from wearing the shoe too much then it decreases your comfortability in the shoe.

If the sock liner has cuts or is being worn through to the leather parts then you will get wear marks on your ankles.

If your tread is worn down. (obvious)
Reply:If the tread is still good then your kicks should be fine unless you have twisted an ankle. Different shoes support different areas. If you twist in your nikes then a new pair could potentially support the weak area of your ankle. is an inexpensive route to go. Good Luck, and big ups on the court.

pale skin

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